Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Marketing Mistakes

Every small business owner is familiar with marketing in some way or another.  Every day you are marketing your business, whether it is giving out your business cards, putting an ad in the paper or putting graphics on your vehicle.

While you are figuring out how to go about marketing your business, make sure you stay away from these things:
-  Promising more than you can deliver...an unhappy customer will do more damage to your company than not having them as a customer. 
-  Don't try to "trick" prospective customers into becoming a customer.  We have had a few customers that have wanted to be "sneaky" with their promotions.  Thankfully we were able to help them think through the consequences of those kind of promotions.  Even though you may get an initial sale out of it, you will lose their trust and probably their continued business.  
-  Don't use negative advertising (some people disagree with me on this).  It is very easy to trash your competition but focusing on the quality of your services/products will be more effective.  Customers want to know that you are the best...not that you are great at trashing your opponents.
-  If you are going to offer a promotion/coupon/sale, don't be "stingy".  Many people like to make the fine print so complicated that very few customers will qualify.  If you can't afford to give an discount/coupon to everyone you send it to, DON'T GIVE IT!  Figure out something that will bring you a profit AND will truly benefit your customer!

Summary:  Don't be sneaky or stingy...it is NOT the reputation you want.  Offer truly great deals that will help your customers while also bringing you a profit!  Your customers will appreciate it and become loyal customers for life.

If you let us know that you read this article, we will give you 10% off of your next order!  Contact us to "get the ball rolling"!

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