- Look at customer service as a vital part of your marketing strategy. Many people don't think of customer service as "marketing" but it is one of the best marketing tools. A happy customer will keep coming back, bringing you more sales. They will also tell other people about you, leading to new customers. "Word of mouth" marketing is the most effective form of marketing!
- answer your phone! (We got a new client simply by answering our phone. She said she called 4 other design studios before contacting us...none of them answered their phone!!)
- if you miss a call, return the call immediately!
- greet customers immediately when they enter
- thank customers for their business!
- Offer discounts/specials to your current customers, letting them know that you appreciate their business!
- Offer coupons to prospective customers, getting them in the door and ordering products/services from you. Customers will appreciate these especially during touch economic times. They may not think that they can afford your services until you give them a coupon!
- Always be thinking of creative ways to meet the needs of your customers. Always be listening for customer's specific/unique needs, and see if you can meet them. They will be floored that you care about their needs that you are willing to work to fulfill them.
These are just a few ways to keep your customers happy! Remember, good customer service will keep your customers coming back and help you get new customers by "word of mouth" marketing!
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