Thursday, January 21, 2010

Women Business Owners to Lead the Nation in Job Creation

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Current IssuesJanuary 19, 2010By Rieva Lesonsky

Where will tomorrow’s jobs come from? Everyone from Main Street to the White House is focused on that question. Well, according to new data projections from The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute, future job growth will be created primarily by women-owned small businesses.

Guardian’s research shows that by 2018 women entrepreneurs will be responsible for creating between 5 million and 5.5 million new jobs nationwide. That’s more than half of the 9.7 million new jobs the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects small businesses to create, and about one-third of the total new jobs the BLS projects will be created nationwide in that time frame.

The Institute based its projections on an analysis of several factors, including the faster growth rate of women-owned businesses compared to those owned by men; the greater rate of college graduation among women compared to men; the projected growth of industry sectors that are dominated by women; and the fact that women-owned businesses are more likely to be self-funded and thus less dependent on increasingly scarce bank financing or other outside sources of capital.

As they grow, these women-owned businesses will also account for some important changes in the work environment. According to The Guardian Life Index, a survey of American small-business owners, women are most likely to start businesses because they’re unhappy with corporate life. When they become their own bosses, Guardian’s research shows, they are more likely than male managers or entrepreneurs to be:

  • diligently engaged in strategic and tactical facets of their business
  • proactively customer-focused
  • likely to incorporate community and environment into their business plans
  • receptive to input and guidance from internal and external advisers
  • committed to creating opportunities for others

Underscoring these conclusions, Mark Wolf, director of The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute says,

“As a result of the increasing influence and business leadership of women small-business owners, the workplace of tomorrow will be far less hierarchical. [The approach of women business owners] strongly counteracts the top-down, command-and-control style of management long practiced by their male counterparts.”

John Krubski, futurist and research advisor to The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute agrees. He says,

“This women-led management approach will have a profound impact on the employees and customers connected to these businesses. Women small-business owners will ultimately create more opportunities for employees to grow in their jobs and inspire others to start their own small business – all while providing customers with superior service.”

As a long-time advocate for women-owned businesses, I have to say I am not surprised by the findings. While women business owners still face some obstacles, overall the absence of a glass ceiling makes entrepreneurship more appealing than climbing the ever-shrinking corporate ladder.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Marketing Tips Part 3

In the previous articles we talked about making your customers happy and making sure your business was the best it could be. The previous articles focused on getting feedback from others to make sure you were meeting the needs of your clients and prospective clients. These tips focus on your print products and how to use them for marketing.

Print Marketing Ideas

  1. Design attractive business cards:

    1. Hand out your business card to anyone who may need to contact you.

    2. Give those close to you, business wise or personally a few business cards so they can hand them out when they meet someone in need of your product.

    3. Always have your business cards with you.

    4. Place a special offer or product information on the back of your business cards.

    5. Give a client a few extra business cards with their name written on the back. Offer to give your client something free if they give the card to a friend and the friend brings the card in. You could offer a special discount to their friend also.

  1. Have a brochure to handout to potential customers. Also make brochures of new products and services to send to past customers.

  2. Send branded calendars to select customers.

  3. Postcards can be one of the more affordable ways to get a new product or service in front of the eyes of past customers.

  4. Send a postcard instead of a letter, they are cheaper, already opened and can be seen by everyone who handles the mail.

  5. Buy newspaper/magazine advertising space.

  6. Advertise in coupon books, like the Smart Shopper.

  7. Submit a press release for a new product, promotion or milestone.

  8. Submit articles to industry publications.

  9. Write a book.

  10. Publish and distribute a journal or newsletter.

It is really important that you get your name out there, and put a good face on your business.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Marketing Tips Part 1

It is a new year...time to take stock of what worked and didn't work last year in our business. As I have been looking forward to a new and fulfilling year, I have been doing research on marketing tips and ideas to implement. There are going to be a lot of parts...I would recommend you copying and pasting the tips into a Word document and color coding each item...

color 1 - items to implement immediately or soon
color 2 - ideas to implement, but not quite yet
color 3 - already implementing
color 4 - don't want to implement (optional)

This way you can see your progress throughout the year. You can organize it however you like to, but as a creative type, I love the color-coding :-).

Marketing Tips: This group focuses on educating your clients and prospective clients. When you become an "expert" in their eyes, they will turn to you more and more and recommend you to their colleagues.

1. Offer free information brochures/articles in your store or on your website.

2. Keep your information simple and understandable so your customers can easily grasp the knowledge you have for them.

3. Send your customers a newsletter (mail and/or email)

4. Participate in a trade show, get a booth or at least attend them and talk to people. Make sure you have something to hand cards, stickers, brochures that let people know about your business.

5. Send your customers holiday or birthday cards.

6. Send your customers hand written letters.

7. Help further your customers knowledge by sending them tips/ideas/advice.

8. Send informational brochures when a new product or service that they may be interested in comes out.

I hope some of these were helpful for you. We will have many more marketing tips coming soon! Stay posted. Let us know if you have any marketing ideas that have worked for you.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Marketing Tips Part 2

Isn't it so nice that we can start fresh and begin a new year! New beginnings are refreshing and energizing. Even though December 31st and January 1st are still only a day apart, we can start with a clean slate. This past year was a tough one for many people and many businesses. May this coming year truly be a new beginning for those who need it most!

Marketing Tips: How can I improve my business?
  1. Ask your customers how you can better server them, listen to them and make the changes necessary.
  2. Get written testimonials from some of your customers and put them up in your store or online.
  3. Place your contact information on the products you sell so the customer always knows how to get in touch with you easily.
  4. Ask for recommendations and new ideas from customers and employees.
  5. Ask a group of customer or employees to be a part of your advisory panel and run new products, services and pricing by them.
  6. Throw a party or special event for your best customers.
These tips focus on making your business the best it can be. When the quality of your business is excellent, that in itself, will bring you more business. Your current customers will keep coming back and they will recommend you to their friends/family/collegues.