Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Using LinkedIn as a Small Business Owner

by Josh Morgan

LinkedIn is looked at as one of the recent online success stories. The service, which is used to help people manage and make connections with other people, is easy to use and provides a helpful breadth of information.

Since the basis of LinkedIn is work information, the service obviously has value to recruiters and to those looking for a job. Over the past few months we’ve also used LinkedIn in a few other ways to help our business that may be useful to other small businesses.

New business - The number one question I’m always asked about LinkedIn is “Can it help my business grow?” The answer is yes. This month is our second month working with a new client, that came to us through LinkedIn. How did it happen? The answer is “Answers.”

Check out the “Answers,” section of LinkedIn. This is a forum for people to ask questions. So what happened? A week later we received an email asking us to present our capabilities. We won. The cost of the new business? Our time spent on the proposal.

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