Monday, June 02, 2008

Green Tip - #6

Since we, at Concept Design Studios, have been thinking of ways to be more green, it has made me see things differently. There have been a few things that I have realized that I can change that have never even crossed my mind before.

I was thinking about buying a bunch of those individual CD cases for giving files to our clients. I realized that I already had a bunch of those CD cases that other people had brought to me lying around the studio. So, I just looked around the studio to find all of the CD holders that were not being used. I now have a good sized pile of CD cases that we will use from now on.

It is a positive cycle. We are reusing those CD cases and hopefully our clients will reuse them too. We can all make a difference with our small changes!

Reduce, Reuse, Recylce!!

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