Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Marketing Tips Part 3

In the previous articles we talked about making your customers happy and making sure your business was the best it could be. The previous articles focused on getting feedback from others to make sure you were meeting the needs of your clients and prospective clients. These tips focus on your print products and how to use them for marketing.

Print Marketing Ideas

  1. Design attractive business cards:

    1. Hand out your business card to anyone who may need to contact you.

    2. Give those close to you, business wise or personally a few business cards so they can hand them out when they meet someone in need of your product.

    3. Always have your business cards with you.

    4. Place a special offer or product information on the back of your business cards.

    5. Give a client a few extra business cards with their name written on the back. Offer to give your client something free if they give the card to a friend and the friend brings the card in. You could offer a special discount to their friend also.

  1. Have a brochure to handout to potential customers. Also make brochures of new products and services to send to past customers.

  2. Send branded calendars to select customers.

  3. Postcards can be one of the more affordable ways to get a new product or service in front of the eyes of past customers.

  4. Send a postcard instead of a letter, they are cheaper, already opened and can be seen by everyone who handles the mail.

  5. Buy newspaper/magazine advertising space.

  6. Advertise in coupon books, like the Smart Shopper.

  7. Submit a press release for a new product, promotion or milestone.

  8. Submit articles to industry publications.

  9. Write a book.

  10. Publish and distribute a journal or newsletter.

It is really important that you get your name out there, and put a good face on your business.

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